Category Archives: Flood

High in the Sky – Signs of the End – Bible Prophecies Fulfilling

Nearly 4,300 years ago the masses of mankind had gathered themselves in the fertile plain of Shinar to build themselves a city and make a tower reaching unto the heavens! They wanted to make a name for themselves and to avoid being scattered abroad upon the face of the earth! In the Biblical story (Genesis 11:1-9), God, seeing what they were up to, decided to go and confuse the languages in order to divide up and disperse people groups into various cultures so that mankind would not be able to progress as quickly in their development, while living in sin. Continue reading

How did unique animals migrate to other continents after the flood?

People under the persuasion of the Evolutionary model for development of various animal life forms often try to challenge Creationists by the idea that there are unique animals on islands far from the place where Noah’s ark is said to have landed and released it’s animals. Some of these animals cannot be found on other continents. For example, the only place having Kangaroos today is Australia, a large continental island which is separated by large oceans from the continent where Noah’s ark would have landed. So, how did animals get from Noah’s ark to places like Australia? Let’s consider a few points. Continue reading