Many Called, Few Chosen (True HR Management)

Recently, while studying in a business leadership course on Human Resource Management, I came across a prompt to share a worship thought, dealing with the subject. A helpful insight and devotional thought came to mind on some of the words of Jesus, which fit the setting in which he shared them. Being pleased with the resulting insight and devotion from the words of Jesus, I felt I should share them here to extend the lesson to more. God bless you in the ways of His truth!

Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 20:16).

The gospel call goes out to so many people. But few are chosen because first of all, not nearly as many respond to the call, as received the invitation. And then of those who do respond, not everyone responds in the manner or under the conditions set forth by Jesus, the ultimate HR manager. So, He simply chooses wisely the respondents who He is able to choose, who meet the criteria. They have the right attitude, mind-set, and surrender to God to be able to join His heavenly workforce and receive the Kingdom benefits.

Like Jesus, HR Managers must make some really tough choices. They give out a call to many, get some who respond, and then must select those who are really the right ones for the job and who will fit the company, its culture, values, norms, goals, and mission. May God guide us all to be wise like Jesus in our work, and also to be faithful to Jesus and His eternal cause – to be a part of His team and Kingdom company forever!

Unlike most HR situations, Jesus has unlimited positions to fill. But, He will only fill them with the right kind of people, who fit the criteria. He can’t afford to hire rogue employees who would damage the company. So, he does a careful work as the Master of HR. Let’s learn from Him.

Jesus has paid the price for our sins (John 3:16), and shown us the way of salvation (John 14:6; 17:3). It would be an utter pity if we did not surrender all to Him and follow the way of Jesus, trusting in His righteousness and saving, transforming power (See Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 2:11-14; Romans 5:8; 3:23; 6:23; John 1:12).

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