Mandatory Sunday Rest, Anyone? What about God’s Sabbath?

Today (Nov. 29, 2017), I was riding along in my car, and as an out-of-the-usual-order kind of thing, I happened to be listening to the radio – a Christian radio station (which if I’m going to listen, it generally would be such). Early that morning, I had forgotten my phone, which had my new audiobook listen on it (exploring history and church perspectives), so I had flipped on a Christian radio station. I decided to listen a bit, while driving this afternoon. While listening to this station from the Tri-Cities, WA area, Janet Mefferd, the Christian broadcaster and radio talk show host, came on with a one-minute sound bite. The substance of it immediately caught my attention!

She began highlighting a recent political fact, that in Poland, a legal bill was just passed which aims to eliminate Sunday shopping, for the most part, in their country by 2020. The ABC news article reads, “Poland’s lawmakers on Friday approved a law that will phase out Sunday shopping by the year 2020 despite criticism that it may eliminate thousands of jobs.” (ABC News Online, Nov. 24, 2017).

The bill was initially sponsored by trade unions. Then it was supported by a ruling party who largely adhere to Catholic values. Their official logic to it? For workers to spend more time with families. Notice how the same ABC article reads, “Proposed by trade unions that want shop and trade workers to spend more time with their families, the bill got support from the ruling party that adheres to Catholic values.”

In a statement from Polish Catholic Bishops, they raised some complaint, saying that “the bill did not go far enough, and that everyone should be free from work on Sundays” (Catholic Herald, Nov. 25, 2017). Certainly, their position, as a church has been very clear for quite some time! They want all Sundays to be free from work, in keeping with their church doctrine, and they want it to be enforced as a mandatory rest day by as many governments around the world, as possible.

In the Catholic Catechism, for example, after stating clearly that the Biblical Sabbath is actually on Saturday, such as in this statement: “2175. Sunday is expressly distinguished from the sabbath which it follows chronologically every week; for Christians its ceremonial observance replaces that of the sabbath,” they then go on to say how they believe Christians should keep Sunday holy instead of the biblical seventh-day Sabbath of the 4th commandment. In the same dialog, they state the need to push Sunday as a legal rest day. Their statement reads, “2188. In respecting religious liberty and the common good of all, Christians should seek recognition of Sundays and the Church’s holy days as legal holidays.” (Catholic Catechism, online edition, on their 3rd commandment).

As a matter of fact, the only kind of “religious liberty” which is supported by such a policy, is the kind that favors their own religion and enforces it. Should you and your faith disagree with them and the laws favoring them, they would just as soon see you trampled into the mud. We need look no further than the infamous Inquisition, in history to see that, though books and testimonies are replete with (chalk full of) examples and teachings on this point. Disguise this as a benefit for all, as they may and often do, and yet still, this all boils down to Romish power and political support for their agenda. In the end, dissenting voices will be disdained, and the rights of free citizens will be trampled. It is one thing to engender support for the free practice of your faith (and that of others), but it is quite another to enforce the mandates of your faith upon the whole world around you (in disregard for others).

Now, back to Janet Mefferd, the Christian broadcaster, and the initial Polish trade unions who pushed this bill in Poland. First, let’s talk about what Janet said. In referencing the passing of this bill, Janet says that there is a “lesson to be learned for us Americans.” Essentially, she tells us that we all ought to remember God’s time of rest, and our families, and push for more rest on Sundays. She asserts that this kind of thing might be good for our country too.

Well, Mrs. Janet, I respectfully disagree. I don’t disagree with rest or honoring God and family. That’s fine. But, I do disagree with the legislation of a particular church’s or believers’ holy day as a mandatory day of rest by secular governments. While the majority might agree with that day, it still puts others out. Even if the minority was having their day legislated by man, it would still not be healthy. This is because God wants the free service of the heart and conscience. God does not force us to worship Him. Commandments five through ten deal with the treatment of mankind between mankind and by all means, let various governments enforce and protect those laws. But commandments one through four deal with who you worship and how you worship. That is personal. God allows people to choose their God. “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve…” (Joshua 24:15). It’s a choice that everyone must make on their own. It’s between them and God. And that is why no secular government should be enforcing religious laws about who and how to worship, no matter what their conclusion is. Persecution always results when that happens and when residents don’t follow those religiously-motivated laws.

So, while I agree with taking rest, obeying God, and taking care of families, I think it should be done without legislating a particular day of the week for worship, rest, and families, in which no other work is allowed. People should have liberty. That should be respected. People with values of family, and worship and obedience to God should be respected and permitted to do so on the day of their choosing. That is true liberty.

Now, one last thing. Trade unions. It’s interesting how these trade unions are pushing for such a day of mandated rest, which is in harmony with Catholic teaching, and even most Protestants, but is not in harmony with all peoples everywhere. When majorities pull together and push their ways upon minorities, whatever the cause, people get injured. Majority rule is necessary in many respects, but never when it comes to the matter of freedom of faith, beliefs, convictions, and religion. True freedom of faith and religion is only experienced when majorities seek to protect the values, free practice, and beliefs of those who are in minorities, as well as majorities. Favoring majorities only, in our policies, and affecting religion and the workplace, such as in this case, is a disaster waiting to happen. For example, what will occur when the majority says you cannot work on Sundays, but should have a family rest day, and worship day then, while the minority might say, we worship and rest on Friday or on Saturday? Then, while taking their rest on Friday or Saturday, they are now forced to rest on Sunday too, when they need to be getting some work done. In this case, such trade unions and organized majorities will fight for the rights and preferences of a majority, but they will trample and hurt minorities, not allowing any true freedom and equality for both. But, rather, hurting the one, while aiding the other.

All of this talk of trade unions, working to legislate a majority’s religious day, at the expense of a minority group, reminds me of a very insightful statement penned over 100 years ago now. It reads:

The work of the people of God is to prepare for the events of the future, which will soon come upon them with blinding force. In the world gigantic monopolies will be formed. Men will bind themselves together in unions that will wrap them in the folds of the enemy. A few men will combine to grasp all the means to be obtained in certain lines of business. Trades unions will be formed, and those who refuse to join these unions will be marked men.—Letter 26, 1903. {2 Selected Messages, p.142.2}

These unions are one of the signs of the last days. Men are binding up in bundles ready to be burned. They may be church members, but while they belong to these unions, they cannot possibly keep the commandments of God; for to belong to these unions means to disregard the entire Decalogue. {2 Selected Messages, p.143.3}

The book of Revelation tells us, in chapter 13, about a governing “beast” power, saying, “(15) And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (16) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (17)  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:15-17)

What does this passage in Revelation mean for us? It means that in the last days of earth’s history, powers will be at work to control the world and all the people on it. They will be controlled according to the will of a certain majority, so that, if they would remain loyal to Jesus and His commandments (Rev. 14:12), they will not be able to function in or work with the ruling society (majority). Death will be threatened and the power to buy and sell will be removed for those who don’t agree with the ruling system and powers. As a Christian, this should be a concern to us. While all the world may not care much, some are very conscientious about keeping God’s actual commandments, as God has given them. No matter what our belief or position, if we care for our neighbors with God’s love, we should seek to promote and support only laws that will help not only the majority to be free in their preferred manner, but also the minority – thus providing true liberty of conscience.

While the Catholic church, Mrs. Janet Mefferd, trade unions, and others might see their religious views and values uniting to form their preferred society, we should remember that God calls us to serve Him with our “free will” (See Exodus 25:2; 35:5). And if we support God’s view and manner of things, we must allow that same liberty for others who do not see eye to eye with our personal position, be it majority or minority. Keep in mind that stupendous and harmful events are coming upon this world and upon God’s people. God has promised it. The majority will unite this world in rebellion against God, trampling the rights of conscience of sincere, commandment-keeping believers of God. Let us not be on the wrong side. Be faithful to God, keeping His word in all good conscience, and loving our neighbor as ourselves (even if we don’t agree with them).


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