Coming One World Religion (Part 2) – Reversing the Schism?

In Short:

  • The Pope and St. Bartholomew I are embracing a push for “unity” among Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Church. (an incredible move in view of the 1054 AD Schism between them)
  • Many other so-called “Protestant” leaders are affirming the movement for “unity” with the Roman Church, effectually reversing the Protestant movement begun by Luther and others!
  • This movement compromises Biblical truths and Protestant beliefs.
  • If you oppose this movement you are considered a problem – no joke!
  • This is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy written thousands of years ago in the book of Revelation and a sign of the end just before Jesus returns!
  • Read more below and see how this will affect you and all the world besides!!

The Article:

If anyone has been following religious news lately, from secular press agencies and others, they probably have not failed to notice the Pope along with his and others’ emphasis on “unity.” Having diversity, but “unity.” There is great talk about being in “unity” for the sake of Evangelism, sharing Jesus, and shaping the political landscape in favor of Judeo-Christian teaching or values. While promoting Christian values can be a wonderful thing, we have to be very careful to realize what is actually going on here and what is at stake.

Many today have not realized the incredibly large prophetic ramifications of what is unfolding before our very eyes! The final events of the book of Revelation are starting to unfold in profound ways! Compromises of faith distinctions are occurring all around us that would have made the Protestant Reformers to roll in their graves if they knew what was going on, after all the blood they and others spilled in dying for the cause of truth!

Jesus himself said that we are to worship God “in Spirit AND in truth” (John 4:23-24), and not according to the “traditions of men,” but according to the word of God which “is truth” (Matthew 7:7-9; John 17:17). Jesus did pray for unity of believers, but that unity was never to come by the compromise of truth from His word (John 17:21-23; Rev. 2:9; Matthew 4:4).

God’s Bible-believing people risked their very lives to stand up for the truth of the Bible and to separate from Rome because they knew that the Romish Church would never repent of her sins, or turn from her unbiblical teachings and traditions of men. All the Protestant Reformers unanimously pointed out the Roman Catholic Church (not the people, but the church organization), to be the 1st Beast of Revelation 13, the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Great Harlot of Revelation 17, the “Man of Sin” in 2 Thessalonians 2, and in other words, “the antichrist” character of Scripture. They did so with incredible conviction and clear evidence from the facts and the marks of identity in the Bible.

Essentially all Protestant Christians taught that up to the mid 1800s and later. But now, with the teachings of Futurism, designed by Jesuit Scholar Francisco Ribera in the 1500s as part of the Catholic Church’s counter-reformation (a movement to reverse or destroy the Protestant Reformation), many Protestant churches and people have forgotten these things. Most people are looking off to Israel, a supposed future “antichrist,” after a hopeful “Rapture” or disappearance of the church. They have lost sight of the Protestant teachings of prophecy, the real identity of the antichrist, and are heading straight back into the arms of Rome!! Martin Luther would groan or scream from his grave if he could, in warning about the peril of such things!

Here’s what the Bible tells us: “All the world will wonder after the Beast” in the last days after its “deadly wound” was healed! (Rev. 13:3). The very beast which shed the blood of the Martyrs for 1260 years during the Dark Ages, would now be praised, honored, and extolled by all the world (Rev. 13:7). And not only that, but a 2nd Beast or Kingdom would rise up and begin to pay homage to this first beast (the Romish Church and State power). A “Beast” is a Kingdom (Dan. 7:17,23). In the case of Revelation 13 these two “beasts” are very religious and intolerant towards anybody who doesn’t see eye to eye with their religious views! Their particular views involve the compromise of God’s truth and a movement of unity that will sweep the world and draw the admiration of everyone! It will look good to many at first, but will ultimately bring persecution to God’s Bible-believing, Christ-honoring, commandment-keeping people (Revelation 13:11-18; 14:12).

The 2nd Beast or Kingdom of Revelation 13 rises with “two horns like a lamb” (Rev. 13:11), but begins to “speak like a dragon” (v.12)! In other words, this very powerful, world-influencing kingdom or government starts out good with Christ-like principles of separating the church and state to allow freedom of conscience (Matthew 12:17), but their character changes, and they begin to “speak” or make laws which are in harmony with the first beast, and telling people who and how to worship!!! This 2nd Beast is United States of America, along with a Protestant influence that apparently is no-longer Protestant, because now they want to “make an image to the beast” or the Catholic Church! They will compromise truth and praise Rome, “the beast,” instead!

The movement now sweeping the world is the very same as prophecy describes!! “All the world wonders after the beast” who has the deadly wound which heals (Rev. 13:3). He has to be very popular and well loved by many, but have a terrible history, neglect of the truth, have taken a wound, but now gets healed. Many so called protestant church are now praising the pope of Rome and are making an effort to join and unite with him! This will lead to great persecution for any Bible-believing, commandment-keeping Christians who stand opposed and vocal against such a movement! Mark God’s word, it will! (Rev. 14:12).

Now for the current facts in the news!!

In 1054 AD the Orthodox (Eastern) church split from the Catholic (Western) Church, keeping many traditions the same, but not recognizing the pope’s authority! This was called “The Great Schism!” Now, they are shaking hands and talking about working together “in unity” again, but still in a diverse body, just “in unity” with the Pope (might as well be under the Pope for all the difference that makes!).

In a CNN article, updated Mon. Dec. 1st, 2014, titled “Pope Francis begins mending the Schism with Orthodox Christians,” we find the following quotes:

“Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew I — the spiritual leader of some 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide — signed a declaration on Sunday committing to unity between the two churches.”

…Neither church will submit to nor assimilate the other, the Pope said in his homily, but they will work “towards the restoration of full Communion.”

“I want to assure each one of you here that, to reach the desired goal of full unity, the Catholic Church does not intend to impose any conditions except that of the shared profession of faith,” Francis said.

Pointing to Radical Islam and ISIS as common enemies the leader of the Orthodox Church, Bartholomew I, stressed the need for working in closer “unity” with the Roman Church, and of all Christians banding together in this movement!

The article further stated,

On Friday, the first day of his visit, Francis called for religious tolerance and dialogue to counter extremism in the Middle East, as he met with Turkey’s leaders.

“Fanaticism and fundamentalism, as well as irrational fears, which foster misunderstanding and discrimination, need to be countered by the solidarity of all believers,” he said. (read more here)

It sounds like a good thing to work together, at first, for such a seemingly good cause, but at what price does this come to us? What are the dangers for this movement that Pope Francis outlines? “Fundamentalism” is an enemy that stands in the way of his goals. He says this has “irrational fears” and will “foster misunderstanding and discrimination.” He tells us this must be countered by “the solidarity of all believers.” In other words, any “fundamentalist” Bible belief system which does not want to get on board with Rome is an enemy to their “unity” and must be eradicated by “the solidarity of all believers” working “in unity” against them.

Is this not fulfillment of the words of Revelation 13? The whole world wonders after the beast (Rome) whose deadly wound is healed, but there is one smaller group who gets persecuted…that is the fundamentalist Bible group who “keeps the commandments of God and has the faith of Jesus” (Rev. 14:12 and 13:11-18). That is, the group who doesn’t buy into this one world religious movement!

In another article by the Catholic News Agency (CNA), November 22, 2014, the Pope stressed that people need to be more open to a unified Christian movement from all various communions to “evangelize” together (meaning they are all on the same team). He pointed out that anyone opposing this movement is standing in the way of progress and should, essentially, be ashamed! He referred to them as “backbiting communities.” Essentially, these are the same as the “fundamentalists” who keep God’s word and don’t join the Pope’s unity movement!

Vatican City, Nov 22, 2014 / 01:16 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis said that divisions among Christians are a stumbling block to evangelization, and encouraged members of the Church to go beyond personal opinions and find value in what others offer.

“For the world to believe that Jesus is Lord, it needs to see communion among Christians. If, on the other hand, the world sees divisions, rivalries and backbiting, regardless of the cause, how can we evangelize?” the Pope said in a Nov. 22 audience. (Read more here)

In the same article Pope Francis pointed out “that true communion can only exist when they [various faith communities and people] are united to the hierarchal Church.” In other words, the Pope says that all must unite with Rome and her authority!!

Not only is the Pope pushing for this unity from his side, but popular American pastors like Rick Warren are now pushing for “unity” with Rome!! (See Rick Warren’s video appeal – here). In another video Rick Warren calls Pope Francis “our pope” and asserts that the pope is just like Jesus in manner, doing “everything right” (See 55 sec. video). Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, and many other well know Evangelical leaders have also offered their support for Pope Francis! (Read more on Joel here or Kenneth here about 42min into video until the end).

Prophecy is fulfilling before our eyes!

I will leave you with a few words written by a Protestant believer, student of Prophecy, and notable author just over 100 years ago!

Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome.The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience.{GC 588.1}

As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light. Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power.{GC 588.2}

The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and are ready to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium.” {GC 588.3} – The Great Controversy, by E.G. White.

Surely, the time is upon us! These things are happening in our days! Let’s be ready for the coming of Jesus by surrendering all to him! Let us prepare for what is now coming upon the world! Let us arouse from our sleep and sound the battle cry! A great time of trouble is about to break onto the scene for God’s people! (Daniel 12:1; Rev. 13; Matthew 24). Jesus is coming soon!! Amen and Amen!!




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