Kisii Kids’ Orphanage, Kenya – Update! (11-3-2012)

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a few items on the Kisii Kids Orphanage in Kenya. It is operated by Stevenson K. Maranga and his wife Damaris, a wonderfully loving and godly Seventh-day Adventist Christian family in Kisii, Kenya. If you’d like to know more about their story, and my experience visiting there for three weeks back in March of this year (2012), then you are welcome to visit our page ______.

While I was there, they were slowly working on a project to build a better kitchen building for feeding all the kids each day. The one they had was not in good shape, and was actually a health hazard for the kids because it was poorly connected to the boys dorm and poured smoke into their room whenever something was cooked (the cooking range is an open wood-fed style stove. Today, by God’s grace and donations from various givers, their new kitchen building is now finished. They had begun by faith, not knowing how they would be able to finish the new kitchen, but simply trusting that God had a plan and was well able to provide for their needs. Well, God provided, little by little, and now their new kitchen is up and going! Praise the Lord! [This project was finished a couple months back now, but I’m reporting it today] (Some pictures are below).

Today, the Orphanage is facing some very serious financial needs. The cost is not great, relatively speaking (when you compare to what such a cost might be in first world countries), but it is too great for them. They are in need of some things just now. Below you can see a note from the orphanage founder and operator.

Stevenson reported,
“On our side, we all are fine, the children who have been sick have recovered, but we face major needs on School fees, food and another very painful issue of the Electricity bill! We have a bill of $150. They have already disconnected the power. This is for 3 Months. At this time we have heavy rains, making it even harder especially around the latrines as all dirty water assembles there and behind the classrooms as you saw when you were here. Drainage is so bad also.We are fearing in case the public health officers come, they may give us some problems, since those items are not fully up to the proper standard. Thanks for your prayers.”

As you can see, they do have several needs at this time: School fees, food, and the electricity bill (3 months overdue–which as of today is still not met). Also, there are some drainage problems there on the campus. These could be easily fixed with some concrete and piping. But, as you know, financial means are the problem there again as to why they could not fix these items as of yet.

I wanted to extend their plight to all our friends of Clear Call Ministries. Personally, I’ve also given help for various needs there, and plan to do more. However, they do have these current, and ongoing needs. It just takes money to raise kids, and they’ve got about 45 of them there who did not have any parents of their own to raise them. So, the Maranga family is doing what they can to raise up these kids by prayer, faith, and effort. The kids are daily instructed in the Lord’s word and truly they are learning to have a solid faith, and to become productive members of society. It is a real solid ministry! Financial support is where they are hurting at times.

If you feel that you may be able to offer some help to this orphanage and these children, then you may do one of the following. (1) Contact me if you have any questions (2) Contact or look up Kisii Kids Orphanage on Facebook to get in touch with them directly (3) Or, Make a donation through our PayPal account at Clear Call Ministries (specifically marked for Kisii Kids Orphanage) and I will forward it along to them. If you want to give them funds directly (which may perhaps be easier) that would also be pretty simple. Again, just contact Stevenson Maranga through Facebook, and let him know you’d like to help out. He can give you the right information you need to donate for this. Sending money directly through Western Union or a similar fund-wiring service to Kenya is quick and easy. [There is no tax write off receipt to give you, but whatever donation you may choose to give will be from your heart to another human being (s) in need]. May the Lord bless and guide you as you consider what you might be able to do to help this orphanage and these children.

[original post was on our old CCM blog, Nov. 3, 2012]

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