Church and Sabbath Visitors from Rwanda

So today was a blessed day, as always on a Sabbath day! The sermon was about being real and deep with God, unloading our burdens and our hearts to Him! To be deep we need to open our hearts and not merely have some kind of surface level connection or actions that don’t really mean anything valuable. We must have a heart that is truly and intimately connected with God! It was a great message! Also, we had two visitors come to us today from Rwanda! James and Gervais. Actually, they’ve been here in Korea for several weeks attending a training program at Yonsei University. Next week will be their last in Korea. Anyway, today they came to visit our church, and we had a blessed time sharing together at our church fellowship meal! May the Lord bless them on their journeys! (you can see all the photos from today below, and the captions). Blessings in Christ!

[Originally posted on our old ministry blog, Aug. 11, 2012]

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